Tuesday 17 September 2013

Slippery Driving

Here is a great article about driving when it's slippery. As fall and winter are on their way we should be prepared. If you need break repair or check up, visit www.boyerautogroup.com

Thanks to Edmunds.com for the content below:


  1. Get a grip. To have adequate snow traction, a tire requires at least 6/32-inch deep tread, according to The Tire Rack. (New passenger-car tires usually have 10/32-inch of tread.) Ultrahigh-performance "summer" tires have little or no grip in snow. Even "all-season" tires don't necessarily have great snow traction: Some do, some don't. If you live where the roads are regularly covered with snow, use snow tires (sometimes called "winter tires" by tiremakers). They have a "snowflake on the mountain" symbol on the sidewall, meaning they meet a tire-industry standard for snow traction.
  2. Make sure you can see. Replace windshield wiper blades. Clean the inside of your windows thoroughly. Apply a water-shedding material (such as Rain-X) to the outside of all windows, including the mirrors. Make sure your windshield washer system works and is full of an anti-icing fluid. Drain older fluid by running the washers until new fluid appears: Switching fluid colors makes this easy.
  3. Run the air-conditioner. In order to remove condensation and frost from the interior of windows, engage your air-conditioner and select the fresh air option: It's fine to set the temperature on "hot." Many cars automatically do this when you choose the defrost setting.
  4. Check your lights. Use your headlights so that others will see you and, we hope, not pull out in front of you. Make sure your headlights and taillights are clear of snow. If you have an older car with sand-pitted headlights, get a new set of lenses. To prevent future pitting, cover the new lens with a clear tape like that used to protect the leading edge of helicopter rotor blades and racecar wings. It's available from auto-racing supply sites.
  5. Give yourself a brake. Learn how to get maximum efficiency from your brakes before an emergency. It's easy to properly use antilock brakes: Stomp, stay and steer. Stomp on the pedal as if you were trying to snap it off. Stay hard on the pedal. Steer around the obstacle. (A warning: A little bit of steering goes a very long way in an emergency. See Tip 8.) If you drive on icy roads or roads that are covered with snow, modify your ABS technique: After you "Stomp" and the ABS begins cycling — you will feel pulses in the pedal or hear the system working — ease up slightly on the pedal until the pulsing happens only once a second.

    For vehicles without ABS, you'll have to rely on the old-fashioned system: You. For non-ABS on a mixed-surface road, push the brake pedal hard until the wheels stop rolling, then immediately release the brake enough to allow the wheels to begin turning again. Repeat this sequence rapidly. This is notthe same as "pumping the brake." Your goal is to have the tires producing maximum grip regardless of whether the surface is snow, ice or damp pavement. Use the tips in "How To Survive the Top 10 Driving Emergencies" to practice before the emergency.
  6. Watch carefully for "black ice." If the road looks slick, it probably is. This is especially true with one of winter's worst hazards: "black ice." Also called "glare ice," this is nearly transparent ice that often looks like a harmless puddle or is overlooked entirely. Test the traction with a smooth brake application or slight turn of the wheel.
  7. Remember the tough spots. Race drivers must memorize the nuances of every track, so they can alter their path for changing track conditions. You must remember where icy roads tend to occur. Bridges and intersections are common places. Also: wherever water runs across the road. I know people who lost control on ice caused by homeowners draining above-ground pools and by an automatic lawn sprinkler that sprayed water onto a street in freezing temperatures.
  8. Too much steering is bad. If a slick section in a turn causes your front tires to lose grip, the common — but incorrect — reaction is to continue turning the steering wheel. That's like writing checks on an overdrawn account: It won't improve the situation and may make things worse. If the icy conditions end and the front tires regain grip, your car will dart whichever way the wheels are pointed. That may be into oncoming traffic or a telephone pole. Something very similar happens if you steer too much while braking with ABS. Sadly, there are situations where nothing will prevent a crash, but turning the steering too much never helps.
  9. Avoid rear-tire slides. First, choose a car with electronic stability control. Fortunately, ESC will be mandatory on all 2012 models. Next, make sure your rear tires have at least as much tread as your front tires. Finally, if you buy winter tires, get four.
  10. Technology offers no miracles. All-wheel drive and electronic stability control can get you into trouble by offering a false sense of security. AWD can only help a vehicle accelerate or keep moving: It can't help you go around a snow-covered turn, much less stop at an icy intersection. ESC can prevent a spinout, but it can't clear ice from the roads or give your tires more traction. Don't let these lull you into overestimating the available traction.
GO TO BOYERAUTOGROUP.COM for more information on vehicles and service center near you!

Monday 2 September 2013

Should I Buy New Or Used | Car | Truck | SUV

When buying a new or used vehicle many questions come into play. These questions running through your head are all very important and should be answered so that you know exactly what fits your lifestyle, wants and needs. Don't settle with anything, it's a big purchase and you should know what you want. Here are some points that might help your decision when buying a new or used car, truck or SUV


It’s Not Used - I know stupid point right? But it's worth explaining. A new car hasn’t been in any accidents, hasn’t been mistreated by unknown weirdoes, doesn’t smell bad, has seen no wear, and comes with a clean service history that includes only being driven off the line, onto a transporter, and around the dealer’s lot.

 Warranty - The new car’s warranty isn't...used. You can buy warranties for used cars or go the certified preowned route, but the best warranty you can get, without paying extra, will be the one that comes with a new car from the manufacturer.

 Safety - Safety is becoming more and more important. Vehicles today need to pass specific tests to be manufactured. Older cars that are used have the standard safety features. New cars are loaded up with extra air bags and improved crash technology.

 Leading Edge Toys - Today, cars are coming with standard technology like bluetooth and touch screens. In previous years you had to get the upgraded package to enjoy these features. New cars just simply come with them, even in the lower end models.. You will be surprised.

Vehicle Maintenance - New cars now, (especially luxury models) come with free service. Example; Oil Changes, Tire Rotations etc. You wont get that on a used vehicle that's for sure.

Get What You Want - When buying new, you have the option to build your vehicle. Get everything you want. Dealers can build them and they will take 6 - 8 weeks to manufacture.. OR sometimes dealers can locate them from a sister store or competing dealer.

Better Fuel Efficiency - Cars are largely getting more fuel efficient, even while simultaneously getting more powerful. The newest diesels are cleaner than ever before, and choices in the hybrid segment are growing, too, if that’s your thing.

 Financing - Banks offer lower financing rates on new vehicles because the vehicles are worth more and have not already been hit by depreciation. Keep in mind that, when the lower APR still applies to a larger sum, your payments or total cost may still be higher. But if you plan to finance, check your deals before buying. The cheaper car might not turn out to be the better deal in the long run.


 Price - When you compare apples to apples, a used car is going to be less expensive. The advantage of the used-car price can also allow a buyer to step up to a nicer model.

 Depreciation - Cars lose value with each passing month and mile, but the steepest decline happens right away; some models can lose 40 percent or more of their value in the first year. With a used car, there’s no depreciation hit the second you roll off the lot. There’s also less mental depreciation, no need to worry about the first parking-lot ding or rock chip in the paint because chances are the car’s previous owner or owners took care of those for you.

Insurance Rates - Like financing, insurance rates will be affected by the age of a car, but in this case the used vehicle tends to be less expensive. A little bit of pre-purchase research will save you from insurance sticker shock, no matter which vehicle you choose.

 Choice — Although you obviously can’t build a used car to order, maybe you want a model, option package, or even wheel design that’s no longer made. This wider selection can add to the length of the search, but perfection and satisfaction rarely come easily.